Comments on: How Do I Pick the Best Energy Gel for My Marathon? Watch us fly. Tue, 11 Jul 2023 16:28:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Whitney Tue, 13 Sep 2022 16:17:54 +0000 In reply to Angie Spensieri.

Hi Angie! So fueling is trial and error and a lot of it changes on the weather conditions. My latest podcast with sports dietitian Megan Robinson focuses on marathon fueling & I think it may be helpful to you.

To answer your questions 1) because i drink coffee in the morning & it takes a couple of hours to work through the system, I have (and plan) to take a caffeinated gel somewhere between 13-16 miles in my marathon. Too much can make people jittery and mess with the gut 2) i have started adding salt tabs to my fueling and it has made a huge difference. i aim for 4 every hour of the salt stick plus 2 gels an hour. Huma gel plus also has the carbs & sodium you need so you don’t have to do both. Then you sip water with gels and sports drinks in between. it is best to space it out. 3) aim for 1 gel every 30 ,minutes of running and somewhere between 200-500 mg of sodium an hour depending on how much you sweat. hope that helps! Marathon fueling is tricky. but the more you train, the more efficient your body will become at using fuel.

By: Angie Spensieri Mon, 12 Sep 2022 15:38:19 +0000 Hi Whitney,
I am training for my first marathon and have been trying out Maurten Gels and really like the texture, flavorless component and it sits well in my stomach. I’m trying to run a 4:30 marathon and been trying to follow their fueling guide list on their company website for fueling a 4:30. In your experience with Maurten 1) Do you follow their guidelines taking caffeine early 2) Have you combined any chews along with a gel like Honey Stinger chews or Skratch and is that ok, or does it affect the absorption of the hydrogel 3) How many do you take per hour? I feel like I’ve been bonking on my last long runs of 20 and 16 miles and I’m thinking I either need to save the caffeine gel for later, take more gels or combine some chews or other type of fuel with the gels. My earlier long runs went better I think when I was testing out Maurten gels but also eating a few chews here and there along with some pretzels so maybe I was getting more fuel then….I was trying to simplify and just stick to one product but maybe that’s not working for me, or I’m not taking enough or at correct intervals. Any insight you could give me based on your experience with Maurten would be most appreciated! Thank you!
