Relay Active Bra

8 Best Pocket Bras for Runners

Running with a phone is not only important for convenience but also runner safety. I have tried dozens of pocket bras for runners and round up my favorite eight. My all-time favorite is the Relay Active pocket bra, Fittsafe pocket bra, and Tracksmith Allston bra. All three have pockets in difference places. Read on to … Read more


How Should I Dress for Running in Fall?

Ahh, fall running is finally here. I love running in the fall season more than most anything. I put it up there with chocolate, naps, puppies, kid snuggles… My perfect day consists of running in the fall crisp air surrounded by colorful falling leaves, returning home to a pumpkin spice latte and pumpkin bread, a … Read more


Best Self Defense for Runners: Top Moves

Runners, especially female runners, are not always safe when running, especially when we run before sunrise. Taking steps to increase safety such as running with others and staying alert help. However, the best defense for runners is knowing self-defense moves. I am sharing the best self-defense moves to save you from various attacks from former … Read more


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