Comments on: Do PRP Injections Work? My Experience with a Torn Plantar Fascia Watch us fly. Thu, 11 Jan 2024 20:25:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Whitney Heins Thu, 11 Jan 2024 20:25:45 +0000 In reply to Jeff.

Sorry this message back is so late, Jeff, I didn’t realize I wasn’t getting notifications for these comments until today! I hope you got the help you needed!

By: Whitney Heins Thu, 11 Jan 2024 20:24:36 +0000 In reply to Pat Smythe.

Hi Pat! I have had PRP now for two different injuries (this fall with a labral tear) and it healed both injuries. Both the PF and labrum don’t get much blood flow so healing rate is very very slow and minimal. That is why I believe it was the main reason for me healing. I hope you are getting better! Sorry this message back is so late, I didn’t realize I wasn’t getting notifications for these comments until today!

By: Pat Smythe Sun, 12 Nov 2023 20:09:33 +0000 Great post and comments, super helpful as I was recently diagnosed with a partial tear. I have been in a boot for a week so far and debating PRP injections. Doc says may help but not pushing it hard at all and reading mixed reviews. Just curious, you seem to think that PRP was important to your recovery, any reason you think you wouldn’t have had the same results with just a boot?

By: Jeff Fri, 16 Dec 2022 00:26:22 +0000 Is there anyway you can provide me with more information I can give my doctor.
I am a fire fighter and this spring I fell at work and 90% tore my plantar fascia. I’ve had one PRP injection but after reading your article, I would like my doctor to give me two additional injections. He said there is very little evidence to support additional injections, but if I could provide him with some evidence, he would be open to it. Is there anyway you can help because I’m worried this could end my career.

By: Jeff M Fri, 16 Dec 2022 00:23:54 +0000 Hello. Enjoyed the article.
I’m a firefighter and this spring had a fall at work that resulted in a 90% rupture. I’ve had 1 prp injection on November 29 but it looks like that’s where it will stop unless I can find proof that 3 injections will be better. I have forwarded your article to my doctor but I’m hoping you can help me with more information that I can forward to my doctor. My toes have started to curl and it feels like I have a golf ball in my shoe at all times. It’s been a long road and I sure hope this doesn’t end my career.

By: Sarah Thu, 08 Dec 2022 11:53:04 +0000 Oh wow, I’m so happy to have come across this article and thread. I had my first PRP injection today after over a year of PF pain confirmed by an MRI. I’m not a runner, I’m a walker. And I’m really willing to go through just about any pain to get back to walking and then hopefully hiking again.

Some things I learned about PF. My sports med specialist says that 60% of his patients are women going through perimenopause. If your hormones are down, this can lead to PF and general muscle and tissue soreness and degeneration. So I’ve upped my hormone replacement therapy and you may also want to get your hormones checked (even guys start to lose testosterone and this can effect you).

For me the PRP injection was about the same amount of pain as shock therapy. My doc told me to bring an ice pack. He gave me a local anaesthetic and then iced the site for 10 mins before giving me the PrP injection and it was fine. Today though, after the anaesthetic wore off, I’ve been really sore and hobbling about. Can’t really walk.
I’m hoping I just need the one PRP injection. In Australia the injections are not covered by govt so I paid $1800 for mine today (about $1400 USD). Eeek. Will update on progress in a few weeks!
