Comments on: 8 Clever Tips for Running While Breastfeeding Watch us fly. Sat, 23 Dec 2023 15:06:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Olivia Sun, 27 Nov 2022 08:17:43 +0000 I am training for a point to point 85k race. I am a breastfeeding mum. On race day I will be running during at least 2 of our normal feed times. I have never skipped feeds before. Should I take a pump with me? Am I risking blocked ducts or mastitis?

By: Whitney Thu, 16 Jun 2022 21:53:57 +0000 In reply to Gina di Caro.

I am so glad this has been helpful to you! I wrote an article recently on how to lose weight healthily while running. I’m not a nutritionist but the one I worked with talked about not having too much of a calorie deficit to stay healthy & injury free. I am sure it is similar with supply but I would reach out to your ob or la leche league to better guide you! Sorry I don’t know specifics. Best of luck to you!

By: Gina di Caro Thu, 16 Jun 2022 17:45:01 +0000 In reply to Gina di Caro.

Oops forgive the typos. Nursing right now after a run and typing on the phone, ha!

By: Gina di Caro Thu, 16 Jun 2022 17:43:42 +0000 Thank God for this article. All I ever hear is needing to take it easy, eat a lot and don’t worry about postpartum body image and focus on resting and baby only. When I had my daughter 15 years ago, it was really discouraging and only did home workouts. This time around in much bigger than I would like and it isnverybuncomfortable so I’m really motivated to do cardio again even with an ACL and MCL tear that healed messed up. So far 2 days in a row running and I already lost 1 pound, staying on a clean eating journey, taking all your tips with the iron etc, and looking into whether I need to wait 90 min or if he is okay to nurse right after. I do plan to lose about 30-40 lbs and wondered if that would affect my milk if I’m running to lose?

By: Whitney Mon, 18 Apr 2022 16:53:25 +0000 In reply to Donielle Morris.

I am so glad you are able to be back & soak up this time with your son!

By: Donielle Morris Mon, 18 Apr 2022 00:57:13 +0000 Loved this. I’ve been taking my almost 6 month old in the Thule Urban Glide 2 and we stop to nurse usually right after he wakes up from a nap, though once we stopped in the first 1/2 mile 😅. After taking a long stretch off distance running with pregnancy, placenta previa and then recovering from a vertical c section, it feels great to be back out there and making memories with my son!
