Comments on: 6 Weeks: Too Soon to Start Running After Having a Baby? Watch us fly. Thu, 02 May 2024 15:02:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Whitney Heins Mon, 19 Feb 2024 13:10:05 +0000 In reply to Shefali christopher.

Thank you so much for sharing your input as I know this is a topic well researched by you! I have found the injury analogy to be so accurate in practice as someone who has battled injuries in recent years following having babies. The mindset and progression is often the same. Finding a good team to work with and support you is so vital! Thanks, Shefali!

By: Shefali christopher Mon, 19 Feb 2024 12:04:03 +0000 This article is great!!! As (well) said in the article, every body is different and everyone’s pregnancy is different. It may take some people less time that others to start running and we should stop thinking about return as a timeline but more as phases of recovery. So early phase doesn’t mean that you sit around and do nothing (if cleared by medical provider). You can start to rehab all your muscles (core, pelvic floor, lower extremity etc) so that when your do start running you are strong as a mother ;). A slow progression to see how the body reacts is an also important! Getting a coach/physical therapist at this time might be a super investment. I often think of rehabilitation after a baby like any other running injury that may keep us out of running. A simple ankle sprain could be a week’s worth of rest time but a bone stress injury may be weeks. If you rush any of them, the results may be two steps forward one step back!! But for your physical and mental health, like during injury time off, finding some physical activity/ x training that feels good for your body is great for your physical and mental health <3
Great job with this article!
