
5 Minute Mobility Routine for Runners

Mobility exercises in which runners move through a full range of motion for their joints can prevent injury and enhance performance, says exercise physiologist and 2:25 marathoner Todd Buckingham. The below 5-minute mobility routine for runners I crafted with Buckingham readies all major joints for running. Do runners want to be flexible or mobile? They … Read more


Benefits of Massage for Runners

I have re-discovered an incredible recovery tool for runners—massage. With all the high-tech physical therapy techniques out there from STEM to needling to ultrasound to injections, we often forget about the big-time benefits of massage for runners. And I am talking about real massage with real hands, not massage guns (though there are benefits of … Read more

older lady tying running shoe in mountains

Faster as a Masters Runner: Masters Running Tips

Research indicates that runners start to get slower around age 40 due to changes such as loss in muscle mass and mobility. But training smarter by including strength training with heavy weights and plyometrics, altering our diets, and focusing on recovering can help master’s runners get faster or keep going as they age. Read more … Read more


Best Self Defense for Runners: Top Moves

Runners, especially female runners, are not always safe when running, especially when we run before sunrise. Taking steps to increase safety such as running with others and staying alert help. However, the best defense for runners is knowing self-defense moves. I am sharing the best self-defense moves to save you from various attacks from former … Read more


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