the benefits of a planned running break

Gift Guide for Your Runner Galentine

My husband often jokes that my runner friends, my runner galentine (s), spend more time with me than he does. To be honest, I think they may–at least uninterrupted time without hearing “mom!” “dad!” every second. He calls us the “Ya Ya Sisterhood” and we are, in a way. We connect on a deep level … Read more

must-have fitness gift ideas

Must-have Fitness Gift Ideas for 2020

One of the perks of being a runner is the simplicity of it—put on your shoes and go. Mother runners love the peace and quiet that come with this simple act. But that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t appreciate some little extras to make it a little more enjoyable and satisfying. That’s why I’ve polled the … Read more

The best running gear that holds your phone

The Best Running Gear that Holds Your Phone

We Mother Runners don’t want many things. But we do want to be able to have our choice of music and podcasts, and feel connected to our families while training. In other words, we want the best running gear that holds a phone. Thus, Mother Runners’ dream product isn’t something that makes us run 4% … Read more


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