The best nursing sports bras

The 6 Best Nursing Sports Bras for Runners

Finding a nursing sports bra for running can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. These are the six best nursing sports bras for runners on the market. My favorite is the Jen & Keri Annie nursing and pumping sports bra because it is buttery soft, pretty, and provides easy access for … Read more

benefits of running while pregnant

Baby Benefits of Running While Pregnant

Mother runners know that our running benefits our children by teaching them healthy habits for their bodies and minds. But did you know that the benefits of running start in the womb? That’s right, our running while pregnant benefits our babies even before they are born. Related: Can You Run a Marathon While Pregnant? It’s … Read more

The best running gear that holds your phone

The Best Running Gear that Holds Your Phone

We Mother Runners don’t want many things. But we do want to be able to have our choice of music and podcasts, and feel connected to our families while training. In other words, we want the best running gear that holds a phone. Thus, Mother Runners’ dream product isn’t something that makes us run 4% … Read more


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