how to get kids to start running

7 Science-backed Reasons Running Makes You a Better Mom

When you become a mom, suddenly your time is no longer your own—and that includes taking time to go for a run. But many research studies show that running makes you a better mom. Obviously, I believe this in my heart—otherwise, I would not have founded The Mother Runners. Related: The Mother Runners coaching services … Read more

Mother runners deal with mom guilt

How to Get Rid of Mom Guilt

There is something nearly all moms have in common. What? Mom guilt. What is mom guilt? Mom guilt is that pervasive feeling that you’re doing something wrong; that you aren’t being the best mom you can for your kid(s); that you are doing something that could “mess them up.” My mom guilt happened immediately. I … Read more

Intermediate 10k training plan

9 Habits of Healthy Mother Runners

Chelsea Mae Plummer over at Mae’s Menu asked me to write a guest post for fellow mother runners. (If you haven’t checked out Chelsea’s site, you should, as it is full of easy-to-make and delicious meals and snacks for runners! These no-bake date energy balls are amazing!). Related: Get Chelsea’s cookbook “Fueled”! After reflecting on … Read more

Planning to run may be harder than the run itself.

15 Obstacles to Running for Mother Runners & How to Overcome Them

One of the main perks of running is its spontaneous nature. No need to prepare, just put on your shoes and go. But that’s not the case when you become a mom. As a “mother runner,” running is no longer spur-of-the-moment. Other people are depending on you. They need you. Thus, obstacles abound. However, taking … Read more


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