“The world would be a better place if there were more KCs in it.”
Those are the words used to describe December’s Mother Runner of the Month, KC Metz. Hard to argue with that!
KC of Westchester, New York, is a mother runner to two “super active” boys, 7 and 8, wife of ten years to her husband, who maintains a great balance in life: juggling a household, overseeing virtual learning, and caring for her family in a way that “reminds us all to be patient and kind with ourselves and everything will come together.” Meanwhile, KC, who started running about five years ago, is the biggest cheerleader in celebrating her friends’ achievements with a positive outlook and energy that brings out the best in everyone.
Her nominator says that “KC is an example of a truly well-rounded and kind human being who gives out so much more than she takes in.” Mother runners, meet your December Mother Runner of the Month, KC Metz!
Meet your December Mother Runner of the Month
Why do you enjoy running?
At first, I enjoyed running because it constantly challenged me to push myself; over time, however, it stopped being about the push and became about the flow.
Running is the constant flow that keeps me afloat when times get hard and is also there for me during the best of times! It’s a gift I don’t take for granted, and find myself falling in love with again and again.
What are your running goals and accomplishments?
My first marathon was the 2017 TCS NYC Marathon, it was truly one of the top 5 best days of my life. I’ve since run it in 2018 and 2019…I hope desperately to be able to run it in 2021 (since 2020 was canceled). I’ve run 18 half-marathons as well, those are my favorite kind of races!
How does your love of running impact your kids/family?
My boys (all three of them) have supported me through every single mile. My older son took up running regularly with me at the beginning of quarantine and worked all the way up to a 7-mile run – he’s only 8 years old! My running shows my boys how setting goals for yourself and staying physically active has amazing rewards.
How does running make you a better mom?

On the run is where I do my best thinking and analyzing, it’s the only time I have for myself most days – when I return from a run, I’m energized and ready to tackle the day with my boys! Running makes me a better mom because I’m healthier and happier when I run.
What’s the best piece of running advice you’ve ever gotten?
Run the mile you’re in.
Do you have any favorite running podcasts?
Ali On the Run, I’ll Have Another, C Tolle Run, The Morning Shakeout
Related: The Mother Runners favorite podcasts

What’s your favorite running gear?
Brooks for sure!
How do you stay motivated when the going gets tough?
I remind myself that I KNOW I’ll feel much better after the run…it’s the lacing up to get going that’s the hardest part. When I’m really having a hard time motivating myself, I try to make a new playlist that excites me, or plan a new route, or find a friend!
I’m honored to have been nominated as a mother runner of the month, and truly believe that there is real power in positivity. I wholeheartedly support encouraging other women to always believe in themselves, for the sky’s the limit!
Thanks, KC!
Just WOW!! We are so proud, always. It must be the genes. Mom&Dad
I love it! Definitely in the genes😉