Woman with pimple on chin

How to Treat & Prevent Acne Breakouts from Running

Breaking out from running, aka runner’s acne, is common for people of all ages. A board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Dan Yamini, advises runners to avoid acne by keeping your skin clear, wearing loose and moisture-wicking clothes, and avoiding touching your face. Reviewed by Dr. Dan Yamini, a board-certified plastic surgeon: As the spring arrives, the … Read more

woman runner holding baby

Can Breastfeeding Lead to Bone Injuries Postpartum in Runners?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can lead to bone injuries postpartum, particularly if you breastfeed beyond 12 weeks and have a history of missed periods or bone loss. Experts advise postpartum runners to focus on getting in proper nutrition, gradually increasing training load, and listening to your body to avoid injuries running postpartum. Reviewed by Dr. Jessica … Read more

ocd runner running in desert

Are You Too Strict About Your Running?

Many runners have Type A personalities who can be very rigid with their training. Being strict with run training can help you become a better runner, but it becomes a problem if you aren’t able to adapt, make poor choices, or can’t recover emotionally from missed runs. These expert tips may help you adapt better … Read more


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