
Is It Safe to Run Back-to-Back Marathons?

I’ve noticed a trend in marathoning—running back-to-back marathons. I am seeing it with my friends, on social media, and in the athletes I coach. It made me wonder—is it safe to run back-to-back marathons? Afterall, running 26.2 miles is very demanding on the body. Running a marathon damages everything from your vital organs to your … Read more

Hydration tips for runners

8 Best Electrolyte Drinks for Runners

Long distance runners need sports drinks with electrolytes to cover the distance. Registered dietitian Megan Robinson recommends runners drink a sports drink of 16 ounces before a run with 400 mg of sodium, and then maintain that amount per hour of running (at least) and after a run. The best electrolyte drinks are easy on … Read more


Injury During Marathon Training? Here’s What to Do!

Let me start this article by saying….RUNNING INJURIES ARE CONFUSING! ESPECIALLY if you have an injury during marathon training because you have so much hope, hard work, and emotions rolled up into it. From an outsider’s perspective (especially a non-runners perspective), it can seem so straightforward. You got injured. Running hurts. You stop, heal, and … Read more


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