Intermediate 10k training plan

9 Habits of Healthy Mother Runners

Chelsea Mae Plummer over at Mae’s Menu asked me to write a guest post for fellow mother runners. (If you haven’t checked out Chelsea’s site, you should, as it is full of easy-to-make and delicious meals and snacks for runners! These no-bake date energy balls are amazing!). Related: Get Chelsea’s cookbook “Fueled”! After reflecting on … Read more

Living and running in a COVID-19 world

Running & Parenting in a Pandemic

Now that you’ve stocked up on groceries, mentally prepared for the kids being home for several weeks, coveted the world’s last toilet paper rolls, and had your race canceled—now what?? Running and parenting during this pandemic, you need to take extra good care of yourself (and your family). There is so much uncertainty with this … Read more


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