
Tart Cherry Juice Benefits for Runners

After hearing it mentioned by several registered dieticians I have interviewed like Megan Robinson and Amy Stephens, I finally took notice of tart cherry juice benefits for runners. They had mentioned drinking tart cherry juice as part of their marathon taper plan—to increase carb intake and reduce inflammation. But how could tart cherry juice have … Read more

Best foods to eat during your period

20+ Easy Snacks for Runners

Food is fuel for runners. “Intentionally thinking about and creating a snack that’s satisfying with carbs, protein, and fiber can help stabilize your blood sugar and keep you satisfied and full longer,” advises Kristy Baumann, a registered dietitian who works with marathoners. I got with three registered dietitians to round up the best snacks for … Read more

Hydration tips for runners

8 Best Electrolyte Drinks for Runners

Long distance runners need sports drinks with electrolytes to cover the distance. Registered dietitian Megan Robinson recommends runners drink a sports drink of 16 ounces before a run with 400 mg of sodium, and then maintain that amount per hour of running (at least) and after a run. The best electrolyte drinks are easy on … Read more


Elevated Liver Enzymes & Other Biomarkers Affected by Running

I get bloodwork done every six months. I feel the healthiest every in my life. I’m back to running after years of injuries. My nutrition is solid. I take top-notch supplements. Yet, my latest blood test results indicated elevated liver enzymes. How could this be? I hardly drink alcohol. I don’t take much medication (save … Read more


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