Katie Middleton, our March Mother Runner of the Month, has a run streak of 1,300 days. Her daughters are 2 and 5. Do the math. That means she ran the day the gave birth! (Up and down the halls of the hospital for a mile).

Katie, a teacher who also handles social media for a local race company, fell in love with running about 15 years ago when she ran her first 5k. Since then she’s inspired dozens of other mother runners through her commitment to the Moms Run This Town group. Her nominator credits Katie with helping her achieve her run goals by taking her to the runs every morning and not caring whether she is “fast or slow, she just wants to share her love of running.”
Related: Meet the other Mother Runners of the Month
“Katie inspires me and the ladies in my local MRTT group to keep running- even when we don’t it’s cold, or a holiday or we don’t feel like going,” she shares.
Here’s why Katie keeps on running and inspiring those around her:
Why do you enjoy running?
I absolutely love being outside and exploring — running gives me the ability to do both!
What are your running goals and accomplishments?

My two favorite running-related accomplishments are 1) I have done 5 marathons, but 3 of those marathons have been at the end of Ironmans and 2) I have been on a run streak since May 3, 2016! My running goals for 2020 are to continue my run streak, PR at the Garmin Half Marathon, get my husband running with me again, have a blast at the Lake Tahoe Marathon with my friend, Tracy, and to enjoy every moment of my running life – the good, the bad, the ugly, and the sunny!
How does your love of running impact your kids/family?
One of my favorite things to hear from my 2-year-old is, “You go running?” Or from my 5-year-old, “One day, I want to run a mile with you! I can do that, right?? Run a mile? Let’s do that this year!” Or from my husband, “Get out the door! You need to get your run in!” All of these things lets me know that they love me, support me, encourage me, and want me to have running be a part of my life. It’s a cool feeling to have everyone on board! It makes for a much happier household.
How does running make you a better mom?
I feel like running has taught me how to be flexible & to just roll with whatever the day gives me. Sometimes my perfectly planned run turns into a $#!t show … and my totally unplanned, “whatever happens, happens” runs turns into some of the best runs of my life. These runs prepare me for mom life — roll with the punches (sometimes literally … ), turn things around, make it awesome, and just keep going (and sometimes know when to throw in the towel and take a nap).
Related: How this working mother runner of 7 finds time to run every day!
What’s the best piece of running advice you’ve ever gotten?

You Do You!! YOU do whatever it is YOU want to do when it comes to running. Want to run at a slower pace so you can be with your friend? Do it! Want to set some pretty outlandish goals for yourself, do it! Want to run at 2 am because that’s when the moon will be at its brightest? Freaking do it! I have let my heart guide me many, many times and I have enjoyed all of it.
Do you have any favorite running podcasts?
I don’t … when I actually have some free time to listen to a podcast, I either want total and complete silence or some death metal. haha!
What’s your favorite running gear?
My dogs?? Just kidding. I absolutely love my new Garmin 945! It’s a huge upgrade from my 910! I also love my Schwinn double jogging stroller — I run with my girls a lot, so it’s a must-have. I also love my handmade running headbands and hats that my friends make me. 🙂
How do you stay motivated when the going gets tough?
For me, it’s not too hard … I know, for a fact, that a run will help. I don’t know if it’s the actual run, being outside, pushing myself out the door, or just knowing I am never, ever giving up … maybe all of them combined … but I just make it happen. 3, 2, 1. GO.
Please add anything else you’d like to talk about!
I absolutely adore my moms’ running group! MRTT (Moms Run This Town). They make running more fun. It’s just so nice to have a group of ladies to run with, chat with, be silly with, and do epic stuff with. I was never a group runner — but one run with a friend and then a run with a group of moms seriously changed my running life. I adore them so very much.
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