Relay Active Bra

8 Best Pocket Bras for Runners

Running with a phone is not only important for convenience but also runner safety. I have tried dozens of pocket bras for runners and round up my favorite eight. My all-time favorite is the Relay Active pocket bra, Fittsafe pocket bra, and Tracksmith Allston bra. All three have pockets in difference places. Read on to … Read more


Best Jogging Stroller: KidRunner vs. BOB Revolution Flex 3.0

The jogging stroller market is changing. New models are coming out every year including those that almost literally turn everything on their head. Well, maybe not turning it on their head but almost doing it backwards where you aren’t pushing but you’re pulling! So it’s time to review the best jogging strollers on the market! … Read more

Hydration tips for runners

8 Best Electrolyte Drinks for Runners

Long distance runners need sports drinks with electrolytes to cover the distance. Registered dietitian Megan Robinson recommends runners drink a sports drink of 16 ounces before a run with 400 mg of sodium, and then maintain that amount per hour of running (at least) and after a run. The best electrolyte drinks are easy on … Read more


Best Running Books to Read This Summer 

Three running books from highly respected elite female distance runners have been released this year. I gobbled them up as soon as I could even though my life doesn’t seem to lend itself to much reading.  The books, Good for a Girl by Lauren Fleshman, Choosing to Run by Des Linden, and The Longest Run by … Read more


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